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Dehydral is excellent for armpits

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:02 am
by admin
I bought Dehydral for my feet sweating but it did nothing there. However, I experimented using the remaining cream in my armpits thereafter and it completely stopped sweating there for a couple of days at least. Even the hair there felt dry and crackled! My pits don't sweat too often so I don't plan on reordering the Dehydral cream, but for people who have very bothersome sweating in that area, Dehydral might be useful.

Getting ETS to cure armpit sweating is very idiotic by the way. You are not a hollywood actor or actress, but are a normal human being who is supposed to sweat from there:-) If your armpit sweat is excessive, there are numerous lotions, creams or iontophoresis (with special armpit pads) or Botox that will solve the problem in all likelihood.

Excessive armpit sweating is much more easier to stop than palmar or plantar sweating.