Consistent Glyco results regardless of stomach contents

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Consistent Glyco results regardless of stomach contents

Post by ragj195 »

If you want to consistent results from taking Glyco pills such as Avert, that work within 20 minutes and give pretty much the same effect every time stop taking it orally and start sniffing it.

I open a 1mg capusule and tip the contents up my nose. Within 20 minutes I'm bone dry because with only a semi dry mouth because I've worked out the 1mg is enough to be dry without resulting in a mouth like the Sahara. I had ETS 17 years ago and apart from facial sweating the rest of the sweating has returned plus the CS is off the scale when I exercise or when it's hot. Luckily I live in the UK where the temp is moderate but regular trips to Florida mean I can relate to the CS hell some people in hot climates must go through.

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