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1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:53 am
by AllSweaty
Hello all.

I did this surgery for my excessive sweat in my hands and armpits. Days after the surgery my hands were really dry and i had to use a moisturizer.

Today my armpits still dry but my hands started to sweat again, not as much as before but enough to really bother me. I've called my doctor and i'll see him this week.

But i'm really upset with this! Is this even normal at such a short time after the surgery? What could this be?

Thank you

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:04 am
by slovenec
You shouldn't worry if the sweating returned 3 to 4 days after the surgery and the sweating episode lasted for less than a day. This often happens.
If the sweating returned later and the sweating did not go away after some time, probably a wrong ganglion was cut/clamped. This may be a result of a surgical error or some anatomic peculiarities of your body.
I talked to dr. Tarfusser about 2 months ago and he told me that although most peripheral nerves to the brachial plexus start at T2 he doesn't cut/clamp T2 anymore (I had T2 cut in 1997) because of the possible side effects. Now he only cuts/clamps T3 and the results are a reasonably good compromise with less side effects but also less dry hands.

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:33 pm
by AllSweaty
Thank for your reply.

Yes, my dr did not cut T2 because of the side effects. He did T3, T4 and T5. It's really strange because he is a good dr.

Can you share your results with T2 cutting? Did your hands dry by 100%?

Thank you

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:22 pm
by slovenec
The palms were completely dry for about 6 months. Now, 16 years after they sweat "normally": they are usually dry, but can get sweaty during a heavy exercise or in a sauna. Sometimes I also notice some minimal sweating in the ulnar part of the palms on very hot and humid days.

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:31 pm
by AllSweaty
Thank you. Just two more questions please.

You said that your hands were completely dry for 6 months. After that, did they start sweat a little?

And what about compensatory sweating?


Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:00 pm
by steve_nf
My right hand gets sweaty and it's been 2.5 yrs since my surgery. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is like before the surgery, it's a 6 in humid environments. When I'm indoors and nervous, it's a 4. My left hand only sweats 30% as much as the right hand. I'm not doing anything to treat this currently. I may or may not in the future, we'll see.

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:37 pm
by slovenec
In normal circumstances (ie. when "normal" people have dry hands) my palms still remain dry. Some minimal sweating also appears in extreme situations (above 30 Centigrade+humidity or very nervous+27 Centigrade).

I had no CS for more than a year after the ETS. Afterwards, it was rather unpleasant for about 5 years (but still preferable to palm sweating) and it started fading away about 10 years after the surgery. I still sweat much more while I exercise and my shirts can get wet very soon on direct sun. However, it is never present in "normal" situations and I consider it non-problematic.

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:14 am
by AllSweaty
Thank you both for your replies.

I tought the results were permanent. Why the sweat returns after a while if the nerve is cut?

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:23 am
by slovenec
The sweating of the palms is a rather complicated and chaotic process. In different people different ganglia transfer the sweat signals from the brain to the palms. Many ganglia from C8 to T4 are involved. The nerves often start at a single ganglion and then ascend/descend to other ganglia. Sometimes the nerves do not sinapse in a ganglion and go directly to the palms. Luckily in most people T3 or T2 sympathectomy destroys most of the neurons on the path from the spinal cord to the palms.

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:15 am
by AllSweaty
I didn't know that,the truth is that human body always find a way to adapt.

What about hair loss? I've read people who had it after the surgery. Did you notice that?

Re: 1 1/2 Month after ETS Surgery - Why is this happening?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:06 am
by slovenec
I am one of the lucky people who suffer from almost no side effects. CS was quite bothersome for some time but it dramatically improved a few years ago. Also, my heart rate at rest is a little lower, however, this has never influenced my physical abilities. I am a 41 years old man and I still have very thick and strong hair.