Hyperhydrosis? Or is this something else?

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Hyperhydrosis? Or is this something else?

Post by jonogunn »

Hi guys I'm new the forum.

I believe I do have a mild case of hyperhidrosis as I think back to 2005ish when I would sweat under my armpit or hands when in cold weather. I never thought much of it because it wasn't all the time and it was mild.

Flashforward to the last 1-2 years. I seem to sweat when I play videogames now. It slowly progressed to become worse as well as to other things like playing games on the iPhone or using Photoshop on the PC.

The type of sweat I feel isn't dripping sweat but the stick, uncomfortable type as well as elevated body heat. Also, it's is throughout my entire body and not just in the usual places that many suffers sweat.

It has gotten worse to the point where a few days ago, I started become in this sticky uncomfortable state 24 hours a day.

When I'm in the shower and wet, my skin feels "waxy" or "rubbery" and no amount of soap I use can get rid of the feeling.

This latest development as led me to believe it is something other than hyperhidrosis. Doing research online I have not found any stories similar to what I have in terms of hyperhidrosis. Seems like people only have it in specific localized areas.

This is making it really hard on me as I'm uncomfortable being in my skin all day long. Laying in bed is terrible as that's usually the place where people like to be when they are clean and comfy.

Any input what be great thank you guys

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Re: Hyperhydrosis? Or is this something else?

Post by redfern1950s »

Just read your blog,
Most sufferers of hyperhidrosis do have it on specific ares, and usually on both sides at the same time, be it hand , feet or arm pits, however you can have what they call 'generalised hyperhidrosis', this is all over the body..
Ive only just found out what is wrong with me, after putting up with this for 17 years! i wish id have spoken to some one and got help.
All i can recommend is, you must go and see your GP, and get some tests done, bloodworks etc etc...
If it is hyperhidrosis, ther is help out there for you...
Take care.

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Re: Hyperhydrosis? Or is this something else?

Post by amoyewan »

Aside from the waxy feeling. Do you have a smell similar to burnt rubber? You should visit your derma for check up.

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Re: Hyperhydrosis? Or is this something else?

Post by chocolate-milk »

I have been living with hyperhydrosis for 15 years now. I have tried most of the products on the market & a lot of them make my skin itchy and raw, some even made me bleed! I would agree & say that my skin can be quite rubbery at times, but not always, I think it could be to do with hormones! For me surgery has never been an option but I really admire those who go through with it! So I have now been using the same product for over 2 months & I have to say it's the best one I've tried so far, it's called AHC sensitive & it's a miracle in a bottle. I use it once a day, in the morning before i put my deodorant on & I'm pretty much dry all day! I tend to put a second dose on if I'm going out in the evening & that's it. On top of how pleased I am with the results, it's also one of the cheaper products I've tried. If anyone is still struggling & wants to try another product, I would highly recommend this one. You can get it off of a website called scrubsuk :) good luck

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