excessive sweating and dating?

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excessive sweating and dating?

Post by Mac4069 »

Hey everyone, my name is Melissa, I am 32, and a decent looking woman. I have had problems sweating all of my life, however, it has recently started affecting my whole life. I am now afraid to go out with friends, even when I know I will have a great time, because i never know when I will start getting sweaty. It will start on my face, then creep down to my underarms and back, then my arms and legs will get sweaty.
The last date I went on I started sweating and couldn't stop. within 20 minutes it was trickling down my face and was impossible not to notice. When he mentioned it I made up a story about being sick and left. I haven't been on a date since.
I have had blood tests done to check my thyroid, and have spoke with hyperhydrosis specialists. everything comes back normal, and the specialists couldn't help me as they only dealt with localized HH. I was finally thrown a rope with Robinul, and it does help, but not all the time.
I want to be able to live my life, I can't seem to just accept my sweating and live anyway, especially when it comes to dating.

Does anyone have any advise? How to deal/treat this general HH? What kind of specialist may be able to help me? Or even just some support in knowing I am not alone.

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Re: excessive sweating and dating?

Post by amoyewan »

I am quite new here. Originally i am from another forum bodyodorsupportgroup but it seem to have vanished.

Anyways. i know where you're getting at. If you're interested i could send you what i'm currently using for FREE. If you have an account with couriers like FedEx of UPS.

I will send the item "Bill to 3rd party" So you have to pay the courier once it got to your doorstep.

My condition is Armpit odor, it seems to be under control. My friend who has HH also tested this product and seem to work as well.

Let me know if your interested.

Don't despair.

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Joined: Sat May 12, 2012 6:30 pm

Re: excessive sweating and dating?

Post by amoyewan »

Hi again,

I forgot to leave my email. I seldom go online. So to reach me i would suggest to contact me on on this email. : psjcapacete@pnoc.com.ph

I am a government employee and a father of 2 kids. I am doing this 'coz it feels great to help. Besides, i have a spare might as well share it.

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Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:57 am

Re: excessive sweating and dating?

Post by supersoaker »

dab drysol on the affected areas (including forehead) and spray bactine if it itches too much.. Or, purchase certain dry from walmart or drugstores. It is milder, but works great for my excessive sweating everywhere except hands and feet, and I SWEAT!

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