severe HH sufferers: can you provide any hope?

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severe HH sufferers: can you provide any hope?

Post by sweaty_guy_not_happy »

Please assist me in formulating ideas in my mind about my hyperhidrosis (HH):

We both know that there are no cures in the near future, so please dont start with the Ionto, botox, ETS, Drysol, yoga, accupuncture, over-intake of water, under-intake of water, voodoo, etc, etc.

I am in my early 20's and living with HH for 15 years. Until a few years ago it was simply a part of me that I thought was normal. Now however it is making my life un-livable (as I move into adult-hood).

I am especially looking for posts from those who have the following in common with me:

- you suffer from HH in hands AND other areas which are visible to others (face, feet, butt, etc)

- your HH is amplified when your attention level is amplified; ie excited at a party = more sweating; watching an action movie = more sweating;

- you have had episodes of "panic attack" where the sweating was so extreme that a puddle was left on a chair or so visible that anyone with eyes would notice

Please give me some encouragement that this is not a "death sentence" - ie not really death, but makes everyday life so miserable.

I use Iontophoresis and have done botox in the past for hands. Botox efficacy degrades each treatment, and is reduced to nill after 5 or 6 treatments (3 years or so) and risks permanent muscle atrophy at about the same time.

ETS is maybe OK for those with a bit of hand-sweating; but for severe HH it is obviously a disaster (the good thoracic surgeons wont perform ETS for us although the bad ones will).

So with all that junk, here is my question for you:

Is there anyone reading this who is able to get out of bed each morning, go out into the world and be productive, hold a job, marry a spouse (or date others), and have say a minimum of a handful of good times each week?

Or is everyone with moderate to severe HH condemned to be a recluse - stay in our house, not venture out for fear of all that HH has to offer? Always afraid to hold hands, always afraid of a panic attack that will unleash a flood.

The HH cant be stopped - I realize that I have to come to grips with this fact. But how can the devastation of knowing what great a life could have been lived without HH holding me and you back?

I am looking for someone to say (in their own words and mean it)

"Yes - I have HH and it is severe. I have had panic attacks and left a flood on the floor/chair/ceiling. I sweat all the time. But I finally learned to say - the heck with the gawkers - I go into the world now and yes I sweat - then I freeze - and then I sweat some more. I can't do alot of things that I want to do because my hands dont have the grip that others take for granted. But I do enjoy something about every day - and I can say that I am happy enough times throughout the week to be satisfied with my lot in life."

Is there someone out there suffering from severe HH that can say the above in their own words and mean it?


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Re: severe HH sufferers: can you provide any hope?

Post by LivingFree »

Hello sweatyguynothappy,

There is hope! You can read my reply to "Help!!! I've tried everything" on January 14, 2013. It's under the posts for "Robinul, Robinul Forte and Avert".

I am a 57 yr old female with severe HH. Mine began before the age of 10, so I have lived with it for decades!
I wish I had discovered Robinul Forte when I was your age, but I am thankful at least I've had it for the past 10 years.

While I was not a recluse, the quality of my life would have been much better. Always worried if I was going to have to shake hands, dating, having very few clothing options, as well as not being able to wear sandals because my feet sweat so much and would slide around or gross looking because dust and dirt would turn to mud! If I wore shorts or a skirt, I worried about leaving wet marks on seats. Always carrying hand towels or kleenex and a change of clothes. Making excuses that I was sick, so I wouldn't have to shake hands. Not being able to pull-ups in gym class because my hands sweat so much! My hands leaving wet marks on the desks, my papers being messed up because of the sweat dripping off my hands, Etc, Etc. Etc.

I can't think of everything because I've been 'sweat-free' for almost 10 years now. But I do recall how debilitating this condition is. If I don't take the medication, I sweat profusely in my feet, hands, armpit and groin.

I recall seeing a doctor when I was your age (in the 1970's). I was already embarrassed enough and I had to work up the courage to go the clinic. When I saw the doctor, he just laughed and referred me to a psychologist! A few years later, I saw another doctor who recommended a medication (I don't remember which one), but the pill was very bitter and left my mouth so dry, I almost choked while eating one day. After that I discontinued those.

Finally, in January 2004, after much research (thank God for the internet), I came across news about Robinul Forte and asked my doctor for a prescription. IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!

I strongly urge you to give it a try! You might have to work with the dosage to get the effect you need, but keep at it. Within the 1st couple of days, I felt like a new person!
For best / quickest results, take before breakfast on an empty stomach.

I hope you find success with it and live a happy and sweat-free life!

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Re: severe HH sufferers: can you provide any hope?

Post by Marcianna »

Oh yes - I have been exactly where you are...EXACTLY. However, my problem did not begin until I was in my 50's. If I sat on a plastic seat, when I got up, the impression of my wet backside was left behind on the set. When I went to the doctor's office and sat on the table with the white paper, I would leave a wet mark from my backside and my thighs. My head, chest, back, upper legs and outer arms would sweat to the point where my clothes were soaked and constantly damp to the touch. My hair was one of the worst areas as each strand seemed to drip and drip a never ending amount of sweat. If I had to sign a document, I dripped on it; when I wrote a check in the grocery line, I dripped on it. It was not only embarrassing, it was utterly humiliating.

I could not go to social functions because once I started preparing for it, the sweating began and it would worsen the more anxious I became. I would cancel at the last minute because I wanted so desperately to attend but the sweating prevented it. Nothing would help. Every time I went to my family doctor I would mention it but he seemed to ignore me, even when I would show him the wet paper on the examining table. It was not until I found this site that I saw it was a Dermatologist who could help with this situation.

I went as soon as possible to the Dermatologist and was prescribed Robinul. It changed my life. I was suicidal before this drug hanged my life. I no longer sweat profusely. I occasionally will sweat but it is a normal amount caused by exertion or hard work. I no longer have to worry about leaving wet spots behind.

Try the Robinul. I have been prescribed 1 mg tablets that can be taken 3 times a day. That is all I need. Some days I do not even take them and I am still NOT SWEATING.

Good luck. I hope you find your cure as easily as I found mine. I just wish it had not taken me 9 years. I do not think general practitioners really understand Hyperhydrosis which is why the cure alludes us. A simple pill is all it took for me to have my life back.

I wish you the best

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