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Solutions Facial/Scalpal Hyperhidrosis?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:47 pm
by Ric88
I am a sales professional and I'm trying to save my career. I've had an excessive facial and scalp sweating problem since adolesence and it's really affecting work performance in social situations.

Many times I can do my job and minimize my sweating by trying to stay cool and sneaking a wipe with my hankerchief. Sometimes I can stop or minimize the sweating after 15 minutes of wiping my face and trying to stay cool. But it's very distracting and raises my anxiety level during sales presentations. It just doesn't look good.

I sweat at the slightest physical exertion, in room temps over 70 degrees, or in stressful situations. I also have night sweats (on my face and head). I'm usually the only person in the room sweating. Except for my son and my mother, who also seem to have this problem.

My HH is not really a problem anywhere else except my face and head area. The rest my body is very tolerable. But the face and head sweat is severe when it gets going.

I've used drysol, which stung my scalp. :(
I've also taken, propanlol, zoloft, and wellbutrin. All no good.

I think I should try a drug like Dixtropan or see an endrocrinologist before resorting to ETS. I am also considering ETS -T2 at Robert Woods Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Any feedback on any remedies worth trying or any other feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:40 pm
by pinker
In regards to ETS all I can say is - don't go there. I know the sweating is terrible but possible post-ETS side effects can be much worse, it's not worth the risk.
The people on this site can tell you everything about surgery -

Obviously because of the hair being there (unless you get the shaver out), there's very little there is in regards to scalp sweating. With the oral medication I think Robinul is the best tablet to take, people have said the side effects are not as severe as with Ditropan or Probanthine. You could see a doctor to ask about them.

For facial sweating there is products like drysol but they are not really suitable. Something called 'Secure wipes' are made for facial sweating, and lots of people have recommended them. You can buy them from this site:
They are quite expensive but would be worth a try. The wipes contain glycopyrrolate which works by stopping nerve impulses reaching and triggering the sweat glands. It's perfectly safe but you may get a slightly dry mouth as a side effect with the glycopyrrolate.

There is also glycopyrrolate cream, which works in the same way. You'd have to ask your doctor or a dermatologist to order it I think.


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:48 pm
by Ric88
Thanks for the advice. I'm working to find the right dosage of Oxybutin. 15mg seems to help. I'm still working on it though.

I noticed that I started to sweat a bit during a recent presentation but it didn't last and wasn't noticeable by my audience. I'm hoping it works when I'm really put on the hot seat during a sales presentation. That'll be the acid test for me.