My story

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My story

Post by Rookster »

I am a 41 yr old male.

I had such a hard time at school as i was picked on and laughed at a lot due to my shoes and my fat legs.
This probably started a real spiral of low self esteem and avoiding people.

I first noticed i sweated a lot from my face at the end of high school when i was 16.
After that I started to become anxious about it. it seemed to be mostly my face and forehead, but my back and underarms a bit.

It continued for many years and i became good at hiding it and making excuses. i also avoided a lot of things and missed out on life sometimes.
But the experience still happenend and it was extremely embarrassing.

I met my girlfriend during winter when my sweating was not there and by summer i could tell her a bit about it. It scared me.
Time went on and we got married. My sweating remained. I was scared of ever having kids in case they got it.

My Wife and I fought a lot and my confidence was low.
We had a child and I think i developed Post Natal Depression.

My ante-depressants make my sweating worse and they have not really cured the depression.
I am struggling most days and have spent time in a psychiatric hospital and i have been seeing psychiatrits and psychologits for a while now.

The sweating seems to make my anxiety worse and then my sweating gets worse and so it goes.
We are nearly into summer and I am dredding it.

This was more of a rant and I can relate to a lot of stories posted here.
I am seeing a Dr in a few weeks to discuss Botox as a solution.

I hope something will work. it is so demorallising and that combined with my depression, relationship problems and frustrating job are a real downer.

Thanks for reading.

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