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Alvinsduckie's ETS experience (moved from the first post)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:32 am
by admin
Alvinsduckie posted this in the sticky thread and I am moving it here:

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy surgery was performed on me in 2002 for hyperhidrosis. In 2003 I became arthritic, developed Raynauds, lost thyroid-gained too much weight, extreme pain in arms from shoulders to fingertips, fatigue, a weird rash on my neck, pits in my nails, and constant headache. I was not informed of any of these side effects prior to surgery. Dr has history of malpractice.I have now read reports comparing this surgery to Lobotomy, and side effects mimic fibromyalgia. Numerous Internet forums report all of us feel nothing emotionally anymore -- as if we were unplugged. I recently discovered via my medical records that i have an unusual lung condition that sometimes prevents the surgery being done. Instead of canceling surgery -- Dr went ahead and cut my nerves(instead of clamping).never told me about my lung--or being cut.

I am now disabled..and i was a promising Disc jockey/journalist.

This is just a short blip of ETS hell....find out more at

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:38 am
by Guest
I would be interested in know who did your surgery.

ETS surgeon

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:03 pm
by alvinsduckie
I had Jim Garza

Jim Garza is a crook

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:20 am
by Guest

might help

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:16 am
by pip_roo
Sorry to hear you have had a vile experience with the
surgery. My prayers are with you. What I thought I
would mention is that a friend of mine tore a nerve
and lost all feeling in his foot - it went numb and he
couldn't move it. This lasted for months until I
heard somewhere that St.Johns Wort helps to repair
damaged nerves.
I brought him a bottle of the St. Johns Wort tincture
and he took it daily. Amazingly enough he started to
gradually get the feeling and use back in it and can
now walk again and all the feeling is back in his
previously lifeless foot!! Now scientists could say
that he might have made a full recovery anyway
(although for months before the tincture there was no
sign of any improvement at all). With the herb having
a 'nerve damage repair' connection I thought it worth
mentioning to you.
That surgeon sounds like hes got alot to answer for!!!

Recently there was a program on in the UK called
'Alternative Medicine' about a scientist who looks
into all the alternatives and does proper tests to see
if they work. One of the programs was on the use of
herbs. The conclusion the program came to is that
they know for definate that some of them work -
St.Johns Wort was one of the so called SUPERHERBS
(meaning its had big undeniably successful results in
helping with certain problems). They proved that for
depression/anxiety it worked very well indeed (in
Germany they prescribe it 10 times more than they
prescribe anti-depressants, due to it being very
effective, with less side effects.) Anyway...... my
point is, that worst case scenario - even if it didn't
end up helping your severed nerve to repair, it will
hopefully help you feel better/happier in life and
more able to deal with the day to day issues.

I too have suffered HH and thank God have now found a virtual cure after many yrs of searching - Lofexidine Hydrochloride (Britlofex) that I take daily. I've recently posted about this under the 'pharmacological treatments' section.

I wish you all the luck in the world with regards to
feeling better again and getting rid of your
uncomfortable symptoms. Its good you have posted the
message to warn others that ETS can have
complications. God bless.

thanks =)

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:23 am
by alvinsduckie
thanks for the info and kind words..means a lot to me :)