Hidrex PSP1000 Works for me

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Hidrex PSP1000 Works for me

Post by Andre>I »

Good day every one, my name is Andrey,28 male from Russia.
I suffer from palmar HH and would like to share few things that I came to know using Hidrex PSP.
I got the machine about 3 years ago and been using it eversince.
First of all- it works. Sometimes weird and unpredictable.

Here is few tips how to use it:
1. Water- should be soft.
I use just tap water and it is ok. But the same water put through filter is almost useless. Also I had no success with bottled pure water. I think mineral bottle water will work, but I did not try as it is always taking about 10 days to see the result.
Water level-minimum,1-2 mm above the towel.
2. Current- setting should be 18-25 ma, the more the better. I set 20 ma.
Voltage- does not matter, what we need is current. Body resistance is something personal and 20ma can be reached with 20V or with 60V.
It even varies for me, depending on physical and somehow even emotional condition. Usually 20ma is reached with 30-35V but sometimes even with 50V
3. Safety- Yes, connected to 220V outlet it theoretically can kill you. But chance that AC adaptor will have this kind of failure is too small to even think about it.
4. Initial duration- I use for 20 minutes daily, when started from scratch. It takes 10-12 days to see the result and it comes all of a sudden, one happy morning. Then I do another few sessions and go to maintenance schedule.
5. Maintenance- should be done the more the better, usually once per 3 days is enough.
But if you missed session or something changed in your body (no obvious reason sometimes) and hands started to sweat again-it cant be handled with maintenance schedule any more, and it needs to be started all over again.
6. Polarity- I don't change, as a result my right hand(positive lead) is more dry,than left. It is ok for me, as I do most of the social things with it. If you want both hands to be equally dry- it will require around two times more procedures initially and longer maintenance.
7. Travel- no problem with customs and all, when travelling I am more concerned about local water quality.
8. Side effects- I don't see any so far. Of course I am concerned about it, affraid that stainless steel electrodes inject in human body heavy metals..but there is no evidence of this. I saw reviews of people who had been doing it for years and then did a blood test and it was ok. I prefer to believe that Ionto have zero or very minimal influence on my body. Although to do a blood test in the nearest future would be good idea.

So, long story short, - generally it helps but it is also a very capricious system.
For sure other systems like Idromed will have similar results.
Thank you for attention.

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Re: Hidrex PSP1000 Works for me

Post by Viking »

Congratulations Andre! Hope you are still seeing results.

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:17 am

Selling Fischer Model MD1-a

Post by Drippy04 »

Hi, I bought a Fischer unit 6 years ago, I still have the receipt. I have tried using it about 10 times (treatments). I don't want it because it does not work for me and I d not have the time to be administering. It is in perfect working condition. I bought it for a total of 800.00 and am selling it for 400.00 + shipping. I live in Miami, Florida so I don't know how much the shipping would be. The Fischer company charged me 100.00 for my shipping when they sent it to me. Please contact me if you would like to purchase. Thank You

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