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Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:23 am
by nukem
Day: 30th
Temp: 25 to 30C

Blood pressure: 90/60
Heart rate: 50 per min

My blood test are normal excluding:
WBC is low
LYM is high
MON is high
GRAN is low
Uric acid Cholesterol are high, but the books warned me about this.

Sweating in the under-knee area is low but it is still there.
Tongue is advancing to its pink color.
Skin is getting better.
Nasal secretion continues to go out while washing the nose in the morning.

Obviously I should continue my journey to a healthy life.
I hope in 3-4 days period the symptoms will disappear.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 2:09 am
by nukem
Day: 31th
Temp: 34-36C while sitting in the car at the sun

Heart rate: 50

Sweating: only slightly sweating under the knees to the ankle, sitting in the car with open windows
Nose secretion: also improved
Tongue: very slowly getting whiter
Skin: getting pink and fresh

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:46 am
by nukem
Day: 32
Temp: I still haven't gone outside today, but Google tells me 27-29C mostly sunny

Heart rate: stable at 50-52

All symptoms: almost the same with slight improvements.

I asked my personal doctor for 4 days off of work, because of my lack of endurance.
So I am lying in bed and reading or watching movies.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:21 pm
by nukem
This evening I broke the fast.
I ate 200-300gr melon.
The feeling is fabulous.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:22 am
by nukem
Hi, all.

I am ok.

It is the 4th day of the breaking.
Yesterday I was not under control and I overate, so today I ate only one orange and drank two teas with honey.

The problems with nose secretion and sweating are still in being.
I think that after a short rest and collecting new powers I should carry out
one more fast.

I feel that fasting is the correct path.
Good things are happening slowly and I will endure the whole road.
Never give up, always be positive - those are my mottos :D :D :D :D

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:15 am
by nukem
Hello all,

I am feeling fine. Here is hot summer with temperature up to 35C degree.
My period of eating without control is a history.
So I am preparing for my next fasting.
It will start on 20th June and will continue 2-3 weeks, depending on the results.
I am absolutely convinced that when I'm not eating I sweat less.

Wish you best, fellows :)

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:13 am
by superyou
In an earlier post you wrote:
About the curing process I expect:
- completely heal the HH
- healing of nose problems (secretion during cold weather and others symptoms)
- falling of my hear
- dry skin
- haemorrhoids
- improving my memory and concentration.
Did any of this happen? Did any "curing process" occur?

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:04 am
by nukem
Hi, superyou.

HH is on, I cannot assess the degree, but it is on.
Nose secretion has decreased. But running in cold weather is still present. I guess HH and running nose will disappear simultaneously when all the toxins are out of my body.
Falling of the hair had stopped during the fasting, but it continues now, though my hair is very dense and falling is not a major problem.
Dry skin - I take 2 tea spoons daily barm. It consists much of B vitamins and I believe that the barn is the main cause for improving my skin. The skin became very pleasant and tender.
Heamorrhoids - they aggravated during the days of my uncontrolled eating, but at the moment they are improving.
Memory and concentration - it is early to judge due to the fact that I am not still clean.
My motivation is definitely increased because now I have HOPE and Direction to follow. Also I have the self-confidence of a man who can endure 32 days without food.
Disc protrusion I have a trauma in the waist area. It hindered me from playing tennis, football and running. But now I feel that I can drive long time without pain. I ran and played tennis a few times and the trauma didn't inflame. It looks like the body concentrates all nutrient components to repair its broken tissues.
Today I ran 400m for 1m29s without pain in the waist, just little discomfort.
If the trauma continues to improve I will pursue 400m dash for 60sec. My best is 1m,9sec.

As for my HH, it is my biggest concern because it hinders my job and I cannot have normal relationship with a woman.

I'd like to cite another guy from another forum:
"One thing I'd wanna say to everyone here with this problem. There is cure for everything. Just don't worry and keep hopes!! We can overcome this embarrassing problem."

Today I start new fast, wish me luck and I will keep you informed.


Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:28 am
by nukem
Hi all.

I didn't succeed in my second attempt.
I continued to drink coffee during the week and I ate few oranges and carrots.
Above all yesterday I broke the the fast with some nuts.
In the afternoon a headache began and I decided to break the fast.
Another reason is that today is my daughter's birthday.
She turned 10 in the beginning of the week but we are going to celebrate today. I promised her to drink fruit juices at the party.

During the week the sweating was significantly lower due to the lack of food.

I observe that occasionally the sweating is asymmetrical. I noted this fact some time ago and it gives me the belief that my HH is not hereditary
For example: occasionally my right leg is producing more sweat. The same is with my right cheek.

The most important thing is to mobilize myself and to find power and hope. My self-control betrayed me, but I know that
I need time to recover.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:50 am
by slovenec
I respect and understand your motives, but, please do not harm your body anymore. Prolonged and continuous fasting will force your body digest your own muscles and may be harmful to your kidneys and some other organs on the long run.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:32 am
by nukem
Thank you for your solicitude.
I've already lost a lot of my muscle, including my heart muscle and my internal organs tissue.
It is inevitable when fasting. It is part of the curing.

You might be right that I need several week rest before the second session.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:14 am
by nukem
Today at 17h I stop eating for at least 10 days.
My goal is 14 days but it depends on my vitality status.

Tomorrow I have a date with a single mother with two children.
Me and my daughter will meet them and spend some time together.
For that reason I have no time.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:58 am
by nukem
I've changed my mind again.
I ate an apple and 2 oranges that evening.

My new plan is to ate 2-3 fruits per day for 1-2 weeks.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:15 am
by nukem
On 19.07 in 23h I started a fast on water.
I'll try to endure 7-10 days this time.

Re: Detoxification and water fasting

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:11 pm
by nukem
End of day 1.
Still full of energy.