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Trick for itching after Drysol

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:08 am
by supersoaker
I have very sweaty hands, feet, armpits, and legs/groin. Drysol is only effective on my armpits and thighs/groin area. It is, however very, very itchy. I have found that putting bactine on after the drysol stops the itching! It has lidocaine in it that is a topical numbing agent. If bactine is not strong enough, straight lidocaine cream can be purchased online. Also, certain dry is a milder form of drysol. I use this for my thighs/groin in combination with the bactine and it completely stops the sweating. ( FYI the sweating is severe, rolls down my legs and soaks clothing even in room temperature). Glycopyrrolate is the only thing that has been proven to work for my hands and feet, but it is super expensive without health insurance. I am thinking of trying this iontophoresis machine. Hope this helps!