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Chamomile Tea

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:32 pm
by superyou
The author of this thread claimed success in preventing hyperhidrosis using chamomile tea:

how i CURED my hyperhidrosis NATURALLY
get some chamomile tea! this stuff is amazing! it has sedative properties on the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. basically what this tea does is calms down the sympathetic nervous system and promotes the function of the parasympathetic nervous system. It slowly but surely heals it just have to give it time.

here's how i did it: Take two cups a day for a month.

to make the tea: take one tea bag of chamomile and steep it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

you wont see results immediately, but for me, after 2 weeks, my sweating dramatically reduced!
I decided to try this out. I'm perhaps not the best person to experiment with this. I don't strictly need a cure. I already had ETS surgery which successfully fixed my hands. And I use iontophoresis on my feet. This doesn't mean I don't sweat though. I have compensatory sweating from the ETS surgery so I tend to sweat on my body more than many other people in hot weather or when exercising. I wanted to see if the tea would have any effect on me. I was doubtful of this but it was easy to try.

As directed in the above quote I drank the tea twice a day. Left the teabag in the cup so it steeped for plenty of time making for strong tea. I did this for a month without missing a day and unfortunately I noticed no effects upon how I sweat.

Perhaps this will work for some people. Unfortunately the original poster disappeared. If anyone else out there tries doing this please let us know your results here.
