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Please Help! Hyperhidrosis sucks!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:04 pm
by sweatsucks
Is there anything available that will stop abnormal sweating or atleast cut it down to normal? I suffer severely from sweating. I sweat everywhere. Mostly my armpits and hands but even my feet, face, neck, arms, legs, butt, chest and basically everywhere on any given day. I have tried several clinical strength deodorants and nothing seems to work or even cut down on the sweating. I don't know what to do!!! I even went to a botox clinic and they couldn't help me because they said in order to help me they would have to give me an extremely lethal dosage and it would probably kill me. So much for that idea.. I have been checked out for overactive thyroid and have had blood work done and results came back fine also. It is extremely embarrassing and I have never met anyone else with this problem and I do not know what to do and I am tired of spending money between doctor visits and products that do not work.. I suffer from deppression and bad anxiety because of this problem I have also. It is horrible!!!! Someone, anyone, please advise me of something that actually helps and works!?!???? :cry:

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:06 am
by James777
Hey dude, i dont really like to recommend drugs to anyone, but i used to have hyperhydrosis and found that smoking weed completely stopped my sweating. Obviously you cant be stoned all the time, nobody can live like that, but if you are going somewhere where you really dont want to be sweating, try smoking a joint! I guarantee it will help you.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:00 pm
by ch3lz333
first off...i do not recomend using drugs to cure this problem...i have descovered over the past years that i to have hyperhidrosis in my hands and feet...and i will be the first to agree that it does suck to always feel uncomfortable and awkward....i have talked to my docter several times and she has refered me to a specialist who deals with these problems...i have gladly found out that there is surgery for hyperhidrosis where the make small incisions in ur arm pits and by the bra line on your chest...and then they go in and clip the nerve...this is the cure for the sweating in ur hands and he said that there is nothing to do for ur feet...u just have to hope that by clipping the nerve the feet will just follow what ur hands do and stop sweating...i sugest that u talk to ur doctor agian and ask to be refered to a specialist. :D

Re: Please Help! Hyperhidrosis sucks!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:50 pm
by Mac4069
Unfortunatey, surgery isn't an option when you sweat everywhere. The only place for the surgery would be too close to the major nerves in your neck . I have this isse and you are the first person I have heard of with the same issue of sweating everywhere.
I found stress makes it worse. However, I have never found out how to stop the stress when I get hot and start sweating in public. especially when it is not a hot place and no one else is ht. If you get back n and see this, please let me know if you have found a treatment that works for you. I would seriously like to be able to live my life.


Re: Please Help! Hyperhidrosis sucks!!!!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 4:58 am
by redfern1950s
Ive been suffering this hell for 17 years.....i got to a point a couple of months ago, where i couldnt handle it anymore...on top of my sweating every where all day every day, i get hyperthermia......, my body temperature drops so low, i start shaking out of control......., a couple of weeks ago i had what was a suspected heart attack/panic attack......., it turned out i was having a serious attack of hyperthermia, that started out with a cold all over sweat 'HH', i then callapsed, couldnt breath, i thought i was going to die!
Like your good self, i have had all the usual tests, bloodworks etc etc etc......
No underlying cause......, i knew there was'nt......, i had an accident in 1993, resullting in a back and neck injury, 2 years later i started to sweat, and over the years its got so bad, it had got to the point where i couldnt live like this any more.
Any way......., im not sure if you have already been recommended this , my GP has prescribed me a drug called 'OXYBUTYNIN' its for urinary problems, but has been proved to work for people suffering 'hyperhidrosis'..., its a small tablet, that is to be taken 3 x a day, 4 in my case!...
This might help you, with you having no underlying cause.
Within 1 hour of taking oxybutynin/ditropan, IT WORKED..........., and it worked very well !!
However , it does have side effects : this comes in the form of a dry mouth, " some people cant handle the dry mouth ", but compared to sweating all the time, it is the smallest of prices to pay .

Im about to ask my GP, if i can see a specialist concerning this, I need a MRI scan, to see if i did suffer an internal injury be it head or spine..
I may have a rare sydrome called 'episodic hyperhidrosis with hyperthermia'...., all my symptoms point to this......,

Ive since done some research, my hyperhidrosis, could come from a few reasons, head injury,spinal injury and also COLD INJURY i was sublected to extreme cold temperature's when in scotland around the time the 'HH' started, ( i lived somewhere with very bad heating to no heating while it was minus 28 out side !
( this is no exageration, when it was -28, my house was that cold, it was warmer to go out for a walk out side than it was to stay in, this could be a big factor in the cause, for me...)
I also like your self have not met any one with this, and ive come to understand, most people with hyperhidrosis, Hide it, and hide it very well, i know this because, not one of my friends ever knew, a couple picked up on my very wet hands, but never commented, and also i have kind of hid myself away for a very long time....., I think im safe to say, this is Life ruining.... ive only just now started to tell my friends, its so distressing..and is a huge factor in depression..., but you are not alone anymore, talk to people, let them know.......
Anyway, i do hope ive been of help, and i hope you get the help you need, if your GP won't prescribe this, try another GP till they do.....,
Keep well........, don't let this beat you :-)
Take the very best of care.
PS, ive a blog under : ditropan/oxybutynin on this forum, that i added last night..

Re: Please Help! Hyperhidrosis sucks!!!!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:07 am
by amoyewan
Guys Have you tried using alternative medication - like herbs. My condition is Armpit odor. It seems to be working for me. My friend is the one with excessive sweating, Today he is happy to have tried it.

I just thought i share it here. Am not sure if it would work for plantar and palmar.

Re: Please Help! Hyperhidrosis sucks!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:10 pm
by chocolate-milk
No homemade remedies have ever worked for & I have been living with hyperhydrosis for 15 years now. I have tried most of the products on the market & a lot of them make my skin itchy and raw, some even made me bleed! For me surgery has never been an option but I really admire those who go through with it! So I have now been using the same product for over 2 months & I have to say it's the best one I've tried so far, it's called AHC sensitive & it's a miracle in a bottle. I use it once a day, in the morning before i put my deodorant on & I'm pretty much dry all day! I tend to put a second dose on if I'm going out in the evening & that's it. On top of how pleased I am with the results, it's also one of the cheaper products I've tried. If anyone is still struggling & wants to try another product, I would highly recommend this one. You can get it off of a website called scrubsuk :) good luck