Glycopyrronium Bromide 0.05% Solution and iontophorisis

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Glycopyrronium Bromide 0.05% Solution and iontophorisis

Post by lindsey »

I have an iontophorisis machine and was just wondering if anyone knows how much of the Glycopyrronium Bromide 0.05% Solution to add to the tap water? My doctor and pharmacist had no idea how much to use! lol

Many Thanks,


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Post by Viking »

I remember reading someone saying they had good results with half water and half glyco solution. Are you not having success without the solution? I never tried the solution.

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Post by lindsey »

Iontophorisis with tap water has helped so much but its not completely dry, so I am hopeing the Glyco Solution will sort it.
Do you know if you mix half water half glyco in one tray and just tap water in the other?

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Post by Viking »

I think the post I read before had the guy mixing them in each tray
Seems like people come to this forum and than leave and never come back!
I don't come very often either.

Good luck.

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Post by Jojo_diddles »

Hi there.
Wondering if anyone can advice me...I'm using iontophoresis machine (idrostar) and adding the oral pills glycopyrrolate to the water. however i think this isn't that effective and i'm tryint to get hold of glycopyrronium bromide solution (Glycopyrrolate) rather than buying the pills and probably wasting money! Can someone tell me where they got the solution from? I tried going to the Gp and they don't seem to know what it is and won't prescribe it to me.
would be so gratefull of any help

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Glycopyrolate/Glycopyrolium bromide and Iontophoresis

Post by carriew »

I recently had this treatment on my feet at my local NHS hospital - one full course with plain water in both trays and one full one with the glyco solution. Unfortunately it didn't work for me at all but I'm happy to share the information from my experience.

The glyco solution is available from your GP - they have to get permission to dispense it from the local PCT but if your HH is as bad as mine my doctor was very happy to prescribe it to my dermo regardless of costs (it is about £50 a bottle if you were buying it yourself and you need one bottle for every treatment in the course = very very costly).

If using glyco the correct dosage is 400mls in one tray and plain water in the other. You sit for 10 mins (less if its on your armpits as they are much more sensitive) with the polarity of the charge going one way. You then swap the trays and do not adjust the polarity of the charge (you don't need to if you swap the trays) and do it for another 10 mins.

I believe this treatment can be very effective so it's just my luck it didn't work.

I am now trying the Glyopyrronium Bromide tablets (2mg) but have not noticed a postive result yet. Am wondering how long it takes before you would notice a difference.

Hope that helps!

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Post by admin »

carriew how many days did your initial treatment last?

With the machines I used (Hidrex and Idromed) no reverse polarity changes are required. If you can afford either of those machines try them!

See my main sites pages regarding my experiences with those machines.

If you buy them, make sure you get the (pulsed current) PC version.

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Post by carriew »


I had both courses of treatment last year, each one lasted several weeks and I believe the frequency was (roughly) 3 sessions the first week, 2 the second and then 1 a week for 3 or 4 weeks. As I mentioned I did this whole course twice, once with plain water and the second time with one tray of the glyco solution.

Actually my hands are the worst effected part of me but as I have a titanium screw in one of my wrists the NHS wouldn't give me the treatment on my hands so I opted to go for my feet thinking that if it worked I would buy my own machine and do it on my hands at my own risk.

I don't know what maching the hospital (Addenbrooked in Cambridge) used however as it had zero effect on my feet I wouldn't look in to investing in a machine.

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Post by admin »

You are supposed to treat once a day for at least 15 days straight, and then once or twice a week after initial success.

If you can't afford a machine, another option is the homemade device (but you have to reverse polarity with that one):

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