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hi!...and wow.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:45 am
by severelyadd
Hi everybody! I am a 25 year old guy that had ets for severe palmar hyperhydrosis. It has been 9 years since i had the procedure done at scott and white in temple texas. My sweating was on the extreme side and my doc said i was the most severe case he had ever seen or heard of. Pre surgery my hands would sweat so much that i would ruin any paper i touched within a couple seconds. I grossed out countless women could not use touch screen devices, couldnt grip a basketball properly, couldnt wear gloves without literally turning them into a water balloon, etc. Post surgery was great. I was blessed by a surgeon who actually knew what he was doing. I had only the right side done, as he wanted to minimize CS.
Recently i have developed numerous problems though. In the past 3years left sided CS has developed to a point that it is threatening my kidneys due to dehydration. I work as an rn in the OR, and just wow. I have gotten to the poi.t that i will sweat throgub 6 scrub tops in less than 2 hours. My urine output is declining (TMI, but it's a fact). My current doc is actually worried and surprised that i have not gone into renal failure. At one point i required 4 liters of iv fluid and 64 ounces of water by mouth to start producing urine. On top of this, i have gained around 90 pounds. I am now 6'5" 320 pounds. I was also diagnosed with add and prescribed adderall. That it has helped turn my life around.
My concern is this. Today my doc asked if i had ever been tested for cushings disease. I have nevrr been tested for it, so it brings up the possibility that my problem originated from cushings, and ets was not necessary. Honestly this scares the ever loving crap out of me. I have a majority of the symptoms, hyperhydrosis, weight gain, add related problems, slight hypertension, knee and hand joint problems, acne that has been there since the beginning, osteoarthritis in my back (thank God i have good lifting form), etc. I was curious how many, if any of you have dealt with these problems. Any cushings related side effects out there? I pray to God that it is not a pituitary tumor. I have dealt with these in the operating room, and they are no joke. I will spare the gory details haha. Please let me know as no doc i have spoken with (including ets specialists) have encountered these symptoms. My current doc has started researching the issue and will let get me a follow up as well as lab work, brain mri, ct scan, the works in the near future. Thank y'all in advance!