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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:21 am
by ballast

I am a 32 year old man. I had the ETS surgery two weeks ago and I have to tell you that I am 100% satisfied with the results allready. It feels like starting a whole new life with much less anxiety. Honestly it was one of my best decisions :D

I am writing this story, the experience that I had with this surgery just to be able to bring an alternative solution to the people who suffer from this issue like me.

I have suffered from excessive hand sweating since I was a small kid. :( My feet were getting sweaty at the same time but not as much bothering as my hands. When years pass it started to get worse and worse and started to affect my social life. I will not go much into the details on this cause I am sure you know the feeling of shaking hands in a business meeting and how disturbing it gets if you are reading in this web site.

I have been searching the internet for almost a year about what I can do to get rid of the sweaty hands and feet. In 2008 summer I visited my physician and with his recommendation I started using Hypercare, a liquid compound which I apply locally to my hands, and in the following months I started taking pills to reduce anxiety prescribed by my doctor. After using those for several months I saw that those won’t be the solutions for my condition. Then on spring 2009, I decided to get the ETS surgery, I visited the doctor who will do the surgery and agreed on the date for the surgery. Then I started to wait for the approval from my insurance company for the cost of this surgery. Unfortunately the day before my surgery the insurance company denied my application showing a reason about my policy. As I did not want to effort 10000-12000$ costs for the surgery I backed up and continue searching on internet.

As I was originally from Turkey I started searching hospitals and doctors in there, and I learned that the Turkish Health Care Department set a fix rate for surgeries in hospitals and the listed fee for the ETS surgery was corresponding 2250$. There were only two hospitals that were listed and I selected Capa Medilife Hospital in Istanbul and talked with Dr Ilhan Akaslan who then will be my doctor for the ETS surgery. Then I jumped on the plane in couple days had the ETS surgery and came back in a week with 100% satisfaction by just spending about 3000$. Dr Ilhan Akaslan was really great, explaining everything related with this condition before and after the surgery and made me feel very comfortable to have this surgery.

After all these years that I suffered I would strongly recommend this surgery. It is been only two weeks since had the surgery, I am 100% back to life with 100% dry hands and with much more confidence.

The reason why I am writing these is to talk about an alternative option and the experience that I had on this surgery. if you already decided to have this surgery but your insurance company does not support it like mine and if you can not afford to have the surgery with out the insurance, I can honestly recommend my doctor and the life changing experience that I had.

I hope I am writing my story in the correct link, sorry in advance if it not the right location :)