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Hyperhidrosis Controlled My life

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:54 am
by sabola04
Hi everyone, my name is Amanda, I am 23 years old and from NE United States. I have lived with Hyperhidrosis since I could remember and it has controlled my life, until now. I have been on a drug called Robinul for the past week and this has really helped me take control of my life and know what its like to be considered "Normal" I have posted a reply on one of the other topics within this forum under the discussion of Robinul. I am copying what i posted;

"Wow, where do I begin. I am 23 years old and have been living with Hyperhidrosis since I can remember. I have hyperhidrosis in the hands, feet, underarms and even my face at times. I was always known to have cold and clammy hands when I was a kid and even still. This condition has been a nightmare for myself. I have become good at hiding the fact that I have hyperhidrosis but there is no escaping it. I avoided shaking hands, changed my clothes multiple times a day, constantly buying new clothes and shoes to replace the ruined ones from the sweat, washed my hands a lot. If I were out at the club/bar, I would always hold my drink in my right hand, this way if I were going to have to shake someone’s hand; my excuse for a cold wet hand was from the glass. At work I am constantly meeting new people and handling paper, it’s like a bad dream and cant get away from everything scary. I consider myself very out-going, friendly, and fun-loving and this at times can put a stress on my personality. Hyperhidrosis will take over your life and I think about it 75-85% of my day.
I never have a problem meeting new people or never had an issue with meeting guys, just how do you tell someone you don’t want to hold their hand when your out because of the sweat. I was always jealous of the guy and girl that could hold hands; I wanted that but almost never could do that with my boyfriend or guy I was with. The man I am with now knows about the hyperhidrosis, I don’t think he understands or realizes how bad it really is. I still find myself hiding my hands from him for fear it will be gross to him.

Now to the point of this forum – Robinul. I have been on Robinul for a week now and I don’t think I could ever go without it. I am only on 1g twice a day for two weeks and then will increase to 2g twice a day. I can notice a difference already. I understand the side-effects and understand that if I were to do a physical activity that I could die from not sweating. My doctor and I talked about everything, I understand that a week or two before I compete with my horse next summer that I must stop taking Robinul, just to ensure that my body is able to cool down.
I am now In Control of my Hyperhidrosis. I tell myself when to sweat and when not to, just with this simple pill called Robinul.
I have also used botox in the underarms and will agree that that has helped me out, but I needed something to help all areas affected by Hyperhidrosis. My doctor informed me that I can still receive Botox injections under my arms while I am on Robinul but I don’t think that will be necessary since Robinul has truly worked for me.

I’m sure we all agree that having this medical condition is stressful, can put a damper on self-esteem and will take over your life if not treated. I hope that everyone who has Hyperhidrosis gets the chance to finally know what it feels like to be considered “Normal” and not sweat.

Please feel free to message me and share your story or ask questions."

Thanks :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:55 pm
by sabola04
It has now been months since i have been on Robinul and i have a completely different life. Im the same person, but even better. I have always been social but now i feel unstoppable because i can hug, shake hands and not worry about constant sweat. My life have changed for the better.
I highly reccomend Robinul if you can get access to it. In the US it is about $150 for a months supply and if you have insurance its around $15 average copay.
I honestly cant live a day without this medicine. Missing a dose is rare but if i do, i notice i will start to sweat.
Im very thankful for my doctor who has suggested i try Robinul. Botox worked in the underarms but it was a pain to have to get shots all the time.

I hope those out there will have the chance to experience what a "normal" life is like. Its amazing.