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Hello, Max is the name, Hyperhidrosis is the problem .

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:46 am
by Max10

I've been ghosting this forum for the past couple months, finally decided to make an account :)

I have been suffering from HH(hands/feet) since i was 10 years old(22 now). It has dramatically changed my day to day life as i avoid any situations where I have to shake hands or expose my bare feet.

going through highschool was extremely difficult as my friends always wanted to shake hands any time we came in contact. Which now has caused me to have a phobia of shaking hands. I'm currently in college and I can't even go a 1h hour class without sweating. It's horrible, I can't take any notes because ill soak the page, I just sit there with my hands tucked away so no one sees.

I have been using Drysol for the past 5 years on and off, With little to no improvement in perspiration. I have also tried a lot of home remedies as well( Sage Tea, baby powder, drinking a lot of cold water daily. etc), with no luck.

Since all the above have failed I am going to try botox injections. I have been considering ETS lately as well but i would like to try this first.

Its nice to find people with the same problems/conditions I have. Makes me feel like I am not alone . :)


Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:42 am
by steve_nf
Hi, great job deciding to get help on hyperhidrosis. You’ve probably seen my big thread on my struggle with hyperhidrosis. It’s been almost a half a year since my ETS surgery, and my life has took a 180 since. When I had sweaty hands, I struggled everyday of my life just to get through the day. There were many times where I sweated so much I just didn’t want to do ANYTHING with my hands. I was mistaken as a social phobe because I would stay at home all day in the summer, I didn't even have friends. My parents and I saw this as a problem and decided I was an ideal candidate for the surgery. We scheduled it, and a month later I got ETS.

It’s fantastic now that I can use my hands without worrying about hyperhidrosis. Just simple things like typing on keyboards without sweat building in puddles, using iPhones, petting a cat, etc can make all the difference.

I do have compensatory sweating, but since the surgery I've become a much more calm person. Since nervousness makes me sweat, and I've become more calm, the compensatory is rarely a problem. When it is a problem, it can be debilitating.

Although, think of it this way:

Amount of debilitating moments with palmar hyperhidrosis >>>>>>> Amount of debilitating moments after ETS

Also, be aware that you probably won't be able to sweat from your nipple line up after the surgery. I think your skin may be able to adapt to the heat like a normal person when it's hot, but it's best whenever you feel too hot to get in the shade or use a mist sprayer to keep yourself cool.

Good Luck!