Bikram/Hot yoga after ETS

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Bikram/Hot yoga after ETS

Post by Viking »

Has anyone tried hot yoga after ETS? If you can't sweat from your scalp and forehead during hot yoga, is it dangerous?

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Post by kenz1219 »

I had the surgery 10 years ago for palmar hyperhidrosis and I do sweaty yoga regularly. Since my feet still sweat significantly, I wear the Vibram rubber soled shoes to do yoga in and that works fine. The rest of my body sweats a lot, but it is tolerable - after all, you are supposed to sweat in this case! I just drink plenty of water before, during, and after and I feel great.

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Post by sweatydude86 »

i am a bikram yogi and having the surgery in less than 1 week...a little, ok a LOT worried about this kind of physical activity. i've read about some side effects of ETS, such as decreased heart rate, thermoregulation problems, increase in blacking out feeling after laying down then standing up (orthostatic hypotension), increased fatigue and loss of stamina. does anybody have any experience with extremely hot sweaty challenging physical activity post-ETS? i am very active and really worried about losing this. my thoughts are that if it is mild, i could compensate with training. but i would love to hear anything about heavy physical exercise following ETS.
to give an idea, a bikram yoga class is 90 minutes, in 105deg F, 40% humidity and very very cardiovascular.
thank you!!!

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Post by kenz1219 »

If I were you, I would just see how your body responds to a regular yoga class like a hatha or vinyasa for a little while before going to a bikram class. Like my previous post mentioned, I do sweaty yoga regularly and my body sweats A LOT (compensatory trunk, feet) but I wear the vibram shoes. I drink tons of water too, but have never passed out, or felt close to passing out.

From all of the posts on here, it sounds like everyone's body responds so differently. Congrats on the surgery and good luck!

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Post by sweatydude86 »

thank you for the reply. yeah you've got a good point with starting with vinyasa first, especially being that it's a shorter class and not necessarily in heat. i just had my surgery today and so i'm not sure about my compensatory sweating just yet. we'll see! dry hands. feet are still wet though..

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Re: Bikram/Hot yoga after ETS

Post by JR31 »

I started doing yoga (using a guided DVD) about two years ago, but after six months or so switched to tai chi; I just found myself enjoying this much more. Of course though both are supposedly great for the body, and for us with the variety of post-ETS side-effects they can surely only do us good. :)
I'm curious about Bikram / Hot yoga, but I'm not even sure if it's available in my area of the country. :?

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